Holiday Season or Finals Season?
The most wonderful time of the year is approaching! The holiday season of thanks and giving, going home to reunite with loved ones, the end of another semester of hard work, oh…and final exams. The only thing between the cheerful season is knowing you have to spend long hours in Joyner Library preparing for finals. Luckily as a senior, I have learned over the years how to tackle exams while enjoying the spirit of the holidays. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know how.
- Organize
Getting organized and planning for finals can be one of the most beneficial steps of preparing for the exam. Plan specific times/days to study for each one so that you pace yourself and avoid getting overwhelmed. I always write it out in my planner so I have a hard copy of my study schedule so I can mark it off! A great study tip according to The American Psychological Association is to close your textbook and test yourself on what material you know. Studying in a group can also hold you more accountable and make it a little more enjoyable.
- Music
Most people already enjoy listening to music as a study tactic. This is a great opportunity to tune into the Holiday station to get in the spirit! Music has been proven to aid in endurance and in motivation. When you’re listening, music activates both the left and right hemisphere of the brain that maximizes learning, reduces stress and anxiety, and stimulates positive emotion. Researchers suggest to choose songs that don’t cause you to sing along so maybe save Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” for the drive home.
- Chocolate
If you need an excuse to indulge in the holiday sweets, I’m about to give you one. Chocolate has been shown to be a great snack for studying (specifically dark chocolate). The compounds in dark chocolate boost memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain. A study conducted by Harvard Medical School discovered that by drinking two cups of hot chocolate, there was a dramatic increase in blood flow to the brain for 2-3 hours. Say no more!
- Breaks
I can’t encourage giving yourself a break enough. My freshman and sophomore year I would spend hours non-stop studying where I couldn’t even retain what I was reading because I was so tired. The Greenville community has so many exciting holiday events coming up that would be great study breaks to recharge.

Greenville Gives 2017
-Greenville Gives (12/6) 5 pm-7 pm @ Five Points Plaza: holiday market, horse-drawn carriage rides, free treats from local restaurants, annual tree lighting, community performances and more!
-Greenville Jaycees Christmas Parade (12/7) 5 pm-7pm @ Downtown Greenville
-Pop-up Eggnog Shop in Uptown-keep a lookout for location on Uptown Greenville’s social media!
-Take advantage of local Greenville shops and knock out your holiday shopping for your friends and family.
The excitement of the holidays can make final exams a little more bearable, and hopefully these tips will too. Good luck everybody and Happy Holidays!