Hold Fast, Pirates

Hi Pirate Nation!

As the weeks continue battling this pandemic, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. During this time, this might be challenging for you, your family and your loved ones. As a senior graduating in May, I am very sad I am not on campus anymore as I am sure you all feel the same way. I miss my friends, my teachers and professors, having classes in person, the walks on our beautiful campus and also my internship.

I’m missing the little things that no one ever thinks will end, until they do. I have learned college is so much more than just school. It’s the bonds and relationships I have built along my journey to receiving my diploma that I am very proud of. Like I said in my last blog post, Pirate Nation is my second home and us Pirates are strong and will continue to push through this hard time together. 

I miss everything about Greenville and if I were to say this transition for me has been easy, I would be lying. I am sure this transition is not easy for any of us, but I encourage you to focus on the positives during this time. Spend time focusing on yourself and with technology, it is now easier than ever to video chat and connect with your friends and loved ones over the internet.

With my internship as the Social Media Coordinator for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions on campus, I have been very fortunate to work from home. My boss and coworkers have been absolutely amazing and they have made this adjustment as easy as possible for me to adapt to new changes. My teachers and professors for my classes have also done a great job in making sure the transition to online learning is as easy as possible to finish my courses this semester. During this time, I have all the support I need to push me to the end until graduation and hopefully, you have all of the support you need as well.

Soon, I will be turning to a new chapter in my life but with this pandemic, it can be difficult at times. There have been many unexpected challenges during this time for everyone, but we will overcome this together. All that I can do right now is keep my head up and keep pushing through as the future is out of my control. My family has been extremely supportive of me in every aspect and I know that I have them behind me as I begin the next step in my journey.

I know this is a hard time right now and all we can do is lean on each other for support from our fellow Pirates. Us Pirates are strong, and we do not let anything stand in our way or knock us down. Instead, we come together as one and push through anything life decides to throw at us. You can count on our amazing university to be there every step of the way, we are all here for one another.

We bleed purple and gold, we are Pirates forever.

— Cassie Guthrie, Class of 2020 Senior, Communication major