Dear ECU Class of 2021

Dear Future Pirates,

I’d like to start by saying congratulations! You did it. You’ve graduated high school and you’re preparing to embark on one of the most incredible journeys of your life. You’re probably overwhelmed with emotions as so much change is happening, but embrace it. The next four years are about to be some of the best years of your life.

There is something special about East Carolina University. This place is more than just a beautiful campus filled with students proudly wearing purple and gold. It is a place that truly embraces everyone in the best way. It is a place where faculty and staff go above and beyond to see students achieve greatness. It is a place where you are free to become the best possible version of yourself. To me, and soon to you, East Carolina University is a home away from home.

Over the next four years you are going to be presented with endless opportunities. You may be given the opportunity to study abroad on the other side of the world, run for an executive position in a club you’re involved in, do research that can help shape the future, or simply go to a football game with a group of friends. My advice to you, say yes to them all. Say yes to everything that is thrown your way that even slightly interests you. College is a time to explore and figure out what you’re meant to do. Find something that you’re passionate about and pursue it. Don’t let your comfort zone stop you from doing anything, because you achieve the greatest things when you step outside of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to change your major, and then change it again. There is nothing wrong with change if it means that you are one step closer to finding your own meaning in the world.

Get to know your professors, they’ll help you in school and in the real world more than you could ever imagine. Become friends with people different from yourself and you’ll be amazed at how much they help you grow.

It may sound cliché, but the next four years are going to fly by, so soak up every second of them that you can. East Carolina University is a place where the sky is the limit, it is a place where you can arrive unsure of who you are and leave ready to conquer the world. We are Pirates, and Pirates are fearless in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations. So welcome ECU Class of 2021! I cannot wait for you to set sail with us this fall and begin to make your own impact on Pirate Nation.





Senior at East Carolina University


