Meaghan Skelly, Communication Counselor (252) 737-2723

As an Army brat, Meaghan has enjoyed a life of travel from Okinawa to the mountains of North Carolina. She came east for her undergraduate and graduate studies at East Carolina, majoring in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. Her career path was not always clear; she came to Greenville as a Music Education major but with guidance from her advisor found an easy transition to a Communications major.

Meaghan enjoyed so much of what ECU has to offer as a student. Honors College offered a living-learning community where she immediately made great friends. “ECU is really a family. From help moving in to faculty checking in to see how you are doing, people here are so helpful. It is a great place to meet people and network for your future,” she emphasized.

During her time as an undergraduate, Meaghan was able to travel abroad with ECU Tuscany and she fell in love with the scenic beauty of Cinque Terre and the Italian countryside surrounding Certaldo Alto. “Fall in Italy is beautiful with fresh olives and ripening grapes. I was able to take a full load of classes and enjoy the peaceful evening lights, shopping in Florence, and weekend travel,” she said.

Now as a professional communication counselor, she can help you connect to communities at ECU and get your questions answered.

Accomplished in violin, guitar, and piano, Meaghan loves music and exploring Eastern N.C.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers