Cirque de Pirates Homecoming 2019
Come one, come all and observe the never before seen Cirque de Pirates! It’s Homecoming Week 2019 in Pirate Nation and the upcoming acts are ones you won’t want to miss! ECU Homecoming is presented by the Student Government Association from October 20-26, 2019 and this year’s theme is Cirque de Pirates.
An ECU Homecoming is not your typical homecoming, it’s so much more. Here, Homecoming Week is where university student organizations can participate in a spirit cup competition that includes a banner competition, skit competition, float competition, a food drive and of course the Homecoming King & Queen competition. Other activities include: the Cannonball Concert featuring artists B.O.B and JOJO, a movie showing of The Greatest Showman, an “Amazing Race” competition, a blood drive, an ECU Athletics Purple Haze event and a Homecoming Pep Rally Freeboot Friday with live music and food trucks.
As a senior reflecting on all the memories I have made over the past four years, Homecoming Week will be one of the traditions I miss the most. As a member of Greek Life on campus, I have always participated in the festivities and have been rooting on my sorority Chi Omega every year. There is something about the students on campus, alumni, and the Greenville community coming together to cheer on the Pirates that makes this week so special.

Parade watchers gather candy thrown from floats on 5th street.
As we gear up to take on the USF Bulls this weekend and #PaintitPurple, Pirate fans will line up all along 5th Street Saturday morning for the Homecoming Parade. The parade will continue through rain or shine. You’ll witness the famous Pee Dee, the Marching Pirates, ECU Cheerleaders, Homecoming Court nominees, each organization’s Cirque de Pirates themed float and more! You better get ready for this act! ARRRGH ye ready Pirate Nation?
For a full event schedule with times and locations visit:
ECU Homecoming Social Media Handles: